
Chrome extension to let you listen to an article as a podcast in the browser or optionally on your phone by scanning a QR code while in the middle of an article/webpage

View the Project on GitHub y330/q-article-audio

Q-Article Audio


Designed and Developed by Yonah Aviv

With Q-Article Audio, listen to the rest of an article as a podcast within the extension popup or on your smartphone using a QR code.

Video Demo: Coming soon

Q-Article Audio, the Chrome extension, includes manfiest v3(actually for now it is manifest v2 because the web-ext module on npm is only compatible with mv2, but it also makes development much easier.) and UI components from the material design library Svelte Materialify.

This chrome extension is coded with

Here are screenshots of a semi-functional version 0.2.0 (Using Material Design)

p.s. I actually like windows better; its just the OS X window frames look better.


Changelog v0.2.0 (Pull request)

  1. Switched Svelte Materialify for UI components

  2. Switched from webpack to rollup

  3. (Just for development) Switched from MV3 to MV2. This is because the web-ext package on npm is compatible only with manifest v2. Before I make the first stable release, you can expect to see a switch to manifest v3.

  4. Had a change of heart in the goal of this extension. Instead of the qr code stuff, and listening to the rest of the current page, the following will be provided by this extension:

    1. You can hover over links to different articles on a webpage and a popup with either a summary or the first paragraph (maybe this will be customizable) and hear that summary or whatever as audio. So not only do you rid yourself of the task of having to go to another webpage when confronted with a link, but also you can automatically listen to the summary of the webpage so you don’t even need to think about it. If you’re interested in reading the article, then you can just click the preview and you will be navigated to the whole webpage


Note: Unreleased on any web extension stores

Local Development

Feel free to my extension it out:

In your preferred terminal(I use bash) type the following:

  1. git clone y330/q-article-audio That clones the repo into a new folder called q-article-audio/

  2. cd q-article-audio. That enters into the scope of q-article-audio/

  3. pnpm i That installs the dependencies using pnpm([performant]npm). Feel free to use yarn or npm alternatively.

After installing dependencies with the previous command, type the following in your terminal to run a local server for development of the extension[no hmr :(]

  1. pnpm run dev

  2. Go to chrome://extensions
  3. Then, do the following: a. Turn on developer mode

    b. Click on load unpacked. This will open a file explorer window.

    c. Navigate to q-article-audio/ , and choose the dist/ directory.

And your done!🤝

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Copyright © 2021 Yonah Aviv